Friday, February 20, 2009

Treatise on the movie book conversion crisis

So here's the scoop.  Hollywood is behind the times.  They try so hard to sell movies that they forget what makes a great movie. 

Great stories.  Great stories written for the screen. 

The art of screenwriting will never evolve to the level of novels or stage plays so long as "writers" keep trying to adapt a story written for another medium into a screenplay.

I mean what would the result be if artists copied pastels, but used ink instead?  And THEN tried to pass them off as good as the original?

The public isn't stupid.  We've been reading great stories longer than there have been narrative movies.  We know what makes a great and compelling story.  Why doesn't Hollywood?

Here's a news flash for you;  You would sell more tickets if your movies were well written examples of the ART of writing for the screen. 

Writers could then concentrate on coming up with original ideas for the screen that showcase everything that is beautiful about a well written and well made movie.

We love movies, but sooner or later our love affair with Hollywood is going to end if they don't shape up.

More on this subject later.

1 comment:

  1. I agree! I also have a movie topic that I would like to see. "TOXIC TSUNAMI" I would like to see a movie about a freighter hauling some kind of very buoyant and toxic material that is spilled into the ocean, but then a very large earthquake causes a giant tsunami that send this "Toxic Tsunami" to the shores of California. YES! Straight to Hollywood. Of course this would have to be a "really" big tsunami, but it's hitting Hollywood! Keep up the blogging!
