Monday, February 23, 2009


Alright- for those of you who watched the Oscars and are film geeks like me you probably found the selections interesting at worst and inspiring at best.

I mean who would have thought that a small low budget film would/could make such a splash?  Move over big budget features and let me introduce you to the well written and competently executed indy film.

The much hyped 'Benjamin Button' didn't stand a chance against the juggernaut that was 'Slumdog Millionaire'; proving once again that all the money in the world doth not an oscar winning movie make.  

In fact it takes, what was that?  Say again.  Oh,  yes a great script and a compelling story.  Still the most important feature of a great movie.  

Now don't get me wrong.  I loved 'Benjamin Button'.  It was deserving of all the accolades heaped upon it, but the story and compelling nature of 'Slumdog' still carried the day as it should have. 

It's interesting to me that Hollywood begs for new and original scripts and ideas, but they keep going back to the same sources and don't court or look for new talent.

Now don't get me wrong, I love the work of Simon Beaufoy, he has proven himself and should get the recognition he deserves, but what about the unknown writer?  That person who has put the time and effort and love of one ORIGINAl idea into that almost perfect screenplay and can't get anyone to look at it.

Do they have to move to LA and pester people until someone says yes, or is there someone willing to at least look?  

We might never know.

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