Thursday, February 26, 2009

Alright, here goes; I think I am getting the hang of this.  Or not.  

So I applied, with no real hope, for the so called 'Best Job in the World' in Queensland, Australia. It just gave me a little respite from the hopelessness of my job situation.  I had to make a one minute video showcasing why I should be picked out of the million that submitted and get all of my friends to vote on it.  It was fun, and I was able to be goofy and use the green screen.

The link is:  

Take a look and vote if you are interested.  I'm not in a bikini or anything so don't be surprised, it's just me in a purple tie and sweater vest looking a little too much like a pudgy Bill Nye.

Sometimes it's just great to have a little fun and respite from the drudgery of life.  

I know I sound like I am a whiner, and maybe I am (a little), but good grief can't a guy get a break?

I love teaching, but one class a day doesn't pay the bills.

I wish, oh I wish, that I could spend my days writing and know it was going to find a home. I would pretty much be tickled if I could just get someone to read it.  Someone that could help me out, that is.

The economy doesn't help much either.  Having lost my business almost two years ago and having gone back to school in the worst economic time of my life span; I think I'm pretty much as down and out as you can get; and yet I'm not that bad.  

Something in my funny little brain says, "Have hope, fat boy! Things aren't so bad. Just don't look too hard. And; oh, by the way, you need to find another place to live this summer."

I smile inanely and bob my head like a good little soldier and go to bed happy as I can be.

Well, this turned morbid.  Fascinating as any " b" grade horror flick can be.

Sink or swim; I'm glad I did it is all I can say.

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