Thursday, March 12, 2009

To make a movie or not make a movie; that is the question.

I've been struggling for about a month now.  It seemed at first that I would have great success with my screenplay.  I had an "in" with some potential representation, but that hasn't really been too fruitful.

I had such high hopes in finding an agent, but after meeting and being able to really talk to some great pros in the industry, I found out that you have to have a personal introduction to an agent, pretty much by someone they already work with to even get a query into their hands, much less your script.  Kinda killed my immediate dreams.  Died the death. Kaput.

But then I got a chance to chat with one of my filmmaking idols, Kieth Merrill.  If you don't know who he is you are missing out.  His first movie, The Great American Cowboy, won an Oscar.  Pretty awesome credentials.  He also started , The Audience Alliance (  A production company that takes the interests and values of their audience into account. Plus he has been nominated for two more Oscars.  OK, enough fawning (sorry Kieth).  He told me that I shouldn't wait for the whims of the industry, he said make the movie yourself.  Then you'll BE in the industry. 

Frankly, it makes sense, but it scares me.  There is so much to making a movie.  I know I can do it, I certainly have the know how to shoot a movie, but there is so much else to consider.

For instance, money.  How do I go about rounding up the money? I mean, where do I find people to invest their money in MY movie?  No matter how great the story is it will be tough.

And if I can find the investors, is it fair to subject my family to the life that will follow?

Let's not forget festivals, and actors, and distribution, and crew, food, locations and living through post. Shorts are one thing, a feature is another beast all together.

But...if I do make the movie, I will be following  a dream.  I can finally do what I want and am good at.  I might possibly find the connections and opportunities to make it a viable career. I can involve my whole family, I can make sure that my vision is followed.  Plus, I can make my contribution to the world with clean, but engaging, entertainment.

I have decided though that if I do make the movie I will keep this blog going through out the process.  Keep a step by step log of its making.

Feel free to weigh in with comments, opinions, and ideas.  I need all the help I can get.


  1. My only advice is very simple.......Prayer!

  2. Hey Uncle Chris!! I think you pray and pray and pray and PRAY!! Then once you get an answer you can go and do what you were meant to do. Catch my drift?? Lol I love you tons and good luck!!
